
Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans

A.1 Stakeholder re-engagement and MoU signature

A.2 Ecological niche modelling and climate change response

A.3 Genetic diversity analysis

A.4 Trophic dependency analysis

A.5 Implementation plan

A.6 Standardisation of operating procedures


Purchase/lease of land and/or compensation payments for use rights


Conservation actions

C.1 Germplasm collection

C.2 Plant propagation

C.3 Site preparation

C.4 IAS eradication and mitigation

C.5 Plant translocation (population reinforcement/reintroduction/introduction)

C.6 Site protection

Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

D.1 Baseline monitoring

D.2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the conservation actions

D.3 Socio-economic monitoring

Public awareness and dissemination of results

E.1 Communication and outreach

E.2 Building participation and support

E.3 Networking, transferability and replicability

Project management

F.1 Project management

F.2 After-LIFE action plan

Preparatory actions (A) are designed to ensure successful plant translocation, maximising the plant propagation investment. They will:
– confirm landowners and N2000 authorities commitment signing specific MoUs,
– assess existing genetic diversity in target populations,

– assess trophic dependencies in shortlisted species,
– model each species’ ecological niche to assess climate change response – devise site- and species-specific implementation plans
– standardize operating procedures across the network

Conservation actions (C) will implement all stages of the plant translocation cycle in 139 populations of 29 species in 76 SCI/SACs for a total surface of 450,250 ha, including:
– Site preparation to host the target species, removing or mitigating threats
– Collection of germplasm (at least 1,000,000 seeds/spores), not exceeding 20% of material to avoid damage to its reproductive potential.

Monitoring actions(D) will measure plant establishment after translocation according to the protocols in the National Monitoring Manual for Habitats Directive species, collecting data on individual numbers, seed and fruit set and recruitment. This action will also evaluate the stakeholder awareness of project actions, the impact on society, agricultural policy, economy, and culture.

Dissemination activities (E) will rely on an interactive website, newsletters, social media, press conferences, informative material, special art events, international congresses, flyers, Layman’s report, flower beds displays in selected cities, and species-specific propagation protocols and results developed and distributed nationwide to Natura 2000 authorities in partnership with the Ministry of Environment.

Networking will include exchange visits with four other LIFE currently running projects. Transferability will develop three feasibility studies for project replication in other EU biodiversity-rich areas in the Balkans, Cyprus and Spain.